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Preston grew his angel wings on 11th September 2013. He was found with his cot bumper wrapped around his neck. His mummy and daddy bravely set up a facebook page Justice for Preston just one week after he died to raise awareness of the dangers of bumpers.  Myself (Preston's grandma), a family friend, and Lisa (Preston's mummy) all work hard to prevent this tragedy happening again.

Preston managed to rip the bumper from his cot and the bumper itself got wrapped around his neck twice. The bumper ties were still on the cot tied 3 times and fitted correctly. We knew nothing of the risks of bumpers before Preston died. We were not warned of the dangers by any agency. We are raising awareness of this issue after researching ourselves and discovering there have been many deaths due to bumpers.

There has long been advice from various organisations, including the NHS, that cot bumpers are not only unnecessary but actually dangerous and yet this advice is not reaching many parents. A lottery exists in which some parents are given the right advice by their healthcare providers, some are given misleading or conflicting advice, and shockingly some are given no advice at all.

Cot bumpers pose a risk of strangulation and suffocation. They can cause overheating, a major contributor to cot death, and cut down the circulation of oxygen in the cot. This information is readily found on the internet in a simple search on the dangers of cot bumpers and their connection to SIDS. Why is this information not included in advice on avoiding cot deaths? Why have cot bumpers not been banned altogether?

Other countries are way ahead of the U.K on this. Australia includes this advice in information to new parents about SIDS; a considerable amount of research has been carried out in the U.S.A by the A.A.P (American Academy of Pediatrics) who have issued advice not to use crib/cot bumpers, with some cities and states having already banned the sale of bumpers. Isn't it time Great Britain lived up to its name and became the world leader, becoming the first country to ban cot bumpers from sale altogether?
http://www.parenting.com/article/sids-prevention. All questions should be answered here. READ and be informed.

Please join with us to say that our babies lives are worth more than the profits of the companies who continue to manufacture these products which serve no practical purpose. Preston is not the first baby who has died, or been injured, because of a cot bumper, help us ensure he is the last! please join us at Justice for Preston and sign the epetition today


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